
Monday 11 February 2019

Team Building

Huia Whanau spent some time baking on Friday to celebrate the Treaty of Waitangi as well as the signing of their own class treaty. They worked together in teams and focused on team building and communication. They also made some delicious goodies that they all shared; some made cupcakes, while others made brownie and tapioca. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves & started to articulate the team building strategies that they used, their improvements and next steps.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Huia Whanau Introductions

Huia Whanau's Class Treaty

Huia Whanau have been learning and discussing the Treaty of Waitangi and it's significance. We discussed the importance and relevance of the Treaty and how it relates to us. We also looked around our class and discussed how we are all going to be successful this year, talking about thing such as:

  • our individual values, why we have them and why they're important to us
  • how we learn best, whether it be visual, written, kinaesthetic, etc
  • what we need from each other (our classmates) in order for us to be successful
  • what we need from our teacher in order for us to be successful
We then highlighted the common themes that were coming through and decided on 4 key points that we then used to create our own class treaty. Here is what we came up with.

Team Building

We found today's team building challenge quite difficult. We were given an image of pringles that formed a ring or circle, similar to the one below. We then had time to discuss strategy with our team and think about how we would be successful. After being given a box of pringles per group, we attempted to recreate the masterpiece. Some of our groups worked a lot better together than they did the day before, while others struggle to communicate. It was exciting and thrilling activity, but also very difficult. After some time, we competed to create specific words using our pringles, such as 'Huia', 'Team', and 'Waka'. We were all very happy to eat the pringles at the end.

Image result for pringles ring

Monday 4 February 2019

Treats to celebrate the Treaty!

To celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, Huia Whanau will be sharing some class-made treats this Friday! Each student is bringing one kitchen item to contribute. We are looking forward to the different goodies we'll be making!

Team Building

Today Huia Whanau worked on team building strategies in their desk groups. We worked on our communication skills & ability to work together towards the same goal. We did well to practice team work, our next goal is to articulate our strategies.

Friday 1 February 2019

Team Building

We are focusing on our communication skills and working collaboratively in Huia Whanau. Today our goal was to create a cup tower without using our hands. We used rubber bands and string to move the cups from the ground onto the tower. We had to work together and talk among ourselves to make sure we were all pulling the string at the same time and placing the cup in the right place.