
Thursday 11 April 2019

Junior Tabloids Day

WALT show our leadership skills by teaching junior students physical activities

On Tuesday, Huia Whanau lead a number of different physical activities for over 130 Year 1 & 2 students on the East Coast. We had students come from Peria, Oruaiti, Mangonui and of course, Kaingaroa. Three Huia Whanau students lead an activity as the groups rotated around each station. Games included: rob the nest, lions and antelopes, gecko tails, stuck in the mud, blob tag, builders and bulldozers, and an obstacle course. Afterwards, we had very tired juniors and leaders! It was a fantastic day!


This morning, Piwakawaka Whanau, who are our Kaingaroa Year 1 & 2 class, came to visit us in our classroom. They shared with us their amazing art work and writing around their experiences at our Tabloids Day. Our Piwakawaka students were very grateful for our leadership, patience and of course, the repertoire of physical activities that they can now take away and use in their own class!