
Saturday 27 July 2019

Filmmaking - Take 1

On Friday, we discovered we would be focusing on visual language and film production for term 3. We were given the opportunity for some tutu time which we all thoroughly enjoyed! For majority of our class, this was the first time we had ever experienced film making so we had little prior knowledge to bring to the table.

First, we separated into small groups that we felt we would work well with. Every group faced different challenges. For example, some groups found it difficult to come up with a story line or theme for their short film, while others struggled to work with their friends and manage their time wisely. However, every group produced a short film at the end and it was very exciting and entertaining to watch each groups creativity.

Within each group, everyone had a role to play. Some people took turns recording, while others differentiated in acting roles. Every groups theme and and product were completely different too!



Thursday 11 April 2019

Junior Tabloids Day

WALT show our leadership skills by teaching junior students physical activities

On Tuesday, Huia Whanau lead a number of different physical activities for over 130 Year 1 & 2 students on the East Coast. We had students come from Peria, Oruaiti, Mangonui and of course, Kaingaroa. Three Huia Whanau students lead an activity as the groups rotated around each station. Games included: rob the nest, lions and antelopes, gecko tails, stuck in the mud, blob tag, builders and bulldozers, and an obstacle course. Afterwards, we had very tired juniors and leaders! It was a fantastic day!


This morning, Piwakawaka Whanau, who are our Kaingaroa Year 1 & 2 class, came to visit us in our classroom. They shared with us their amazing art work and writing around their experiences at our Tabloids Day. Our Piwakawaka students were very grateful for our leadership, patience and of course, the repertoire of physical activities that they can now take away and use in their own class!

Sunday 24 March 2019

Waitangi Treaty Grounds Visit

WALT understand the Treaty of Waitangi in further detail

On Friday, Huia Whanau visited the Waitangi Treaty Grounds in Paihia, Bay of Islands. We visited the museum and talked about the Treaty and some of the historical events surrounding the signing of the treaty. We explored the grounds and learned about the waka that reside there; we also saw some native birds such as the Kereru, on our hikoi. We had a tutu with some digital technologies including virtual reality, green screen, stop motion, and robots. We had such a good day! We're looking forward to our second visit next week.

Saturday 2 March 2019

'Have a Go' Beach Day in Taipa















Sport Northland's 'Have a Go' Beach Day in Taipa was a great success! Huia Whanau participated in a number of water-based activities, including paddle boarding, sailing, and boat safety and rescue. We had such a fantastic day, full of laughs, and we all returned to school very happy and tired.

Monday 11 February 2019

Team Building

Huia Whanau spent some time baking on Friday to celebrate the Treaty of Waitangi as well as the signing of their own class treaty. They worked together in teams and focused on team building and communication. They also made some delicious goodies that they all shared; some made cupcakes, while others made brownie and tapioca. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves & started to articulate the team building strategies that they used, their improvements and next steps.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Huia Whanau Introductions

Huia Whanau's Class Treaty

Huia Whanau have been learning and discussing the Treaty of Waitangi and it's significance. We discussed the importance and relevance of the Treaty and how it relates to us. We also looked around our class and discussed how we are all going to be successful this year, talking about thing such as:

  • our individual values, why we have them and why they're important to us
  • how we learn best, whether it be visual, written, kinaesthetic, etc
  • what we need from each other (our classmates) in order for us to be successful
  • what we need from our teacher in order for us to be successful
We then highlighted the common themes that were coming through and decided on 4 key points that we then used to create our own class treaty. Here is what we came up with.

Team Building

We found today's team building challenge quite difficult. We were given an image of pringles that formed a ring or circle, similar to the one below. We then had time to discuss strategy with our team and think about how we would be successful. After being given a box of pringles per group, we attempted to recreate the masterpiece. Some of our groups worked a lot better together than they did the day before, while others struggle to communicate. It was exciting and thrilling activity, but also very difficult. After some time, we competed to create specific words using our pringles, such as 'Huia', 'Team', and 'Waka'. We were all very happy to eat the pringles at the end.

Image result for pringles ring