
Monday 2 March 2020

What does respect look like to you?

Today, Huia Whanau are writing about one of our school values: respect, or kia tika in Te Reo. Respect is a common word that is used a lot in our class and in our kura. It usually means to show regard for, or to hold someone or something in high esteem or honour. For example, many of our tamariki hold their devices in high esteem, so very often we see them holding, carrying and using their devices in a respectful manner.

Respect can be shown in many ways. We can show respect by listening to others when they are speaking, and responding in a polite and considerate manner. We try to communicate in respectful ways, even when we disagree with someone. We use words like, "thank you for sharing" or "please stop, I don't like that". Sometimes this can be challenging when we are feeling angry or frustrated, and takes a lot of energy and concentration to continue to show respect for others. We can also show respect for others by managing ourselves in a way that allows everyone to learn. We can operate in quiet tones, and try to stay focused on our learning the best we can. This means that we are showing respect for ourselves by giving ourselves the best chance to succeed in our own learning, as well as being respectful of the mahi our classmates also have to complete.

Being respectful is important, not only at school, but in every area of our lives. When we are able to practice respect, we are growing and becoming mature, young people with good character.
I'd really like to know, what does respect mean to you?


  1. Hi Miss Fleet.I like how you listed a variety of respectful manners. I also like how you gave an example for the respectful communications and how you used a question at the end.

    Respect to me looks like someone looking at the speaker, listening to the speaker and using manners.

    What do you like about respect?

  2. Hello Miss Fleet. I think that respect looks like someone helping out another or showing the speaker our attention.
    like that you have loads of information about what respect looks like. I wonder what respect would look like at a birthday party.
    what would it look like to you?
    How did you write all that down in seven minutes? it took me almost forever!

  3. To Miss Fleet

    Respect to me, is a way to show that you show you have enough empathy to listen to people and do as you are told, without becoming careless. It means to me if everyone was respectful that the world would be a better, safer place. This is a very high quality text, and I like your choice of vocabulary, and your relevant and fitting examples. What I struggle to grasp the concept is, that you completed this text in a mere 7 minutes. It would take me closer to an hour to complete a text of this quality/quantity.

  4. Hi Miss Fleet, what does respect look like to you in different environments? And do you think that if you are respectful to people will they always return it to you? How did you think of a quality blog post in 7 minutes? And last of all what do you think is the most important thing when you think of respect?

  5. HI Mis Fleet
    I carnt breve that you can tip so farst in gust in 7 mints.
    Grate story.

  6. Dear Mrs. Fleet.
    I like the way you've been able to display examples of multiple thing such as manners the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph an probably more.
    To me and my culture respect looks like serving others and getting out the way for others. It is hard to believe that you were able to write this in 7 minutes. So I ask to you, how were you able to write this in such a short time frame?
    Sincerely Dr. Joshua D. Brits.

  7. Respect to me is my family and friends and treating them with care. For example Jaspa is my friend he has been my friend ever sins i started my school.

  8. Kia ora Miss Fleet I really like your blog post it is really interesting i can't believe how long it takes me to finish a blog post this is a great peace of work I just got a couple of data\facts from this stunning 7 min work. Respect looks like to me helping one and other,Being there to help if your down and shearing great ideas together. why is Respect a common value to you?

  9. morning miss fleet I like your blog post and you rite that in 7 minutes i wish i could write that fast. that's a lot of work how do you do it? What do you mean by many of our tamariki hold their devices in high esteem? i like your post a lot.

  10. Hi Miss Fleet,thank you for taking your time to write this blog post,I really enjoyed reading your blog about RESPECT, It really stands out and shows what respect actually looks like hopefully Huia Whanau will show that.I think that respect is like showing kindness, you want people to show kindness to you so they show it back and respect is the same thing they show respect to you, you show it back to them. I reckon we should show respect at home, school, public areas EVERYWHERE.Thank you miss fleet for giving me a bit of and idea how to show RESPECT!

  11. I like your blog post i cant believe it took you seven minutes i wish i could wright that fast it took me a long time read it and it had all level four words, when you said respect is shown a in meany ways and considerate manner what does that mean. and to answer your question respect for me is using polite manners.

  12. Hi Miss Fleet. Well respect means to me like respecting the school by not littering with rubbish. I also think that it would look like respecting others and treating them fairly. I think this is a very descriptive blog post. I wish I could write this much in ONLY 7 minutes!

  13. HI Miss Fleet I like your blog post i cant believe you can right that fast is seven minutes it takes me 20 minutes for me to right that much respect is when you do something to help a teacher or you friends out and not touching something that is not you what do you think respect is?

  14. Hi Miss Fleet. I really like your blog post about respect. You can work really fast and create a good post, it took me forever. I like that you used a question at the end of this post.Respect to me looks like using manners, listening to speakers, respecting others at home or in public.

  15. hi Miss Fleet how did you wright this all in 7 minutes that's amazing. i think respect means unseeing your manners and being respectful to anything or anyone.

  16. Hi Miss Fleet i like how you used Te Reo Maori words.It's amazing how you wrote such an informational and simple piece of writing in Seven minutes.It means to me that you use polite manners, your eyes are facing the speaker and your listening.

  17. Hi Miss Fleet like your post and in 7 minutes that's fast I can only make a half post in 7 minutes.Respect look like to me when some one use your manners and show kinds.

  18. Kia ora miss Fleet I like how you explained what respect looks like . i agree with how you explained.

    What does respect mean to you

  19. Hi miss fleet this is alot of work that you did in 7 minutes. what respect looks like to me is using manners such as thank you, yes please,no thank you and others. another way that respect looks like to me is looking after my motor bike with and treating it kindly. nice work miss fleet.

  20. Hi Miss Fleet
    Respect to me looks like not hitting or punching and helping people that need help.
    i like the way you use full sentence in your paragraphs and added a question at the end of your post.
    for you to write this in 7 minutes is really cool if i had to try write this in 7 minutes i would not have done it 😊

  21. I can't believe that you did this in 7 minutes, to me this would take like 30 minutes. Ok so lets get in to what I think respect means.
    Respect to me is like taking off your hat inside, not stealing, listening to the speaker and a lot more.There is also being the woman or man of a argument. Another thing is having the tv volume down at night or not yelling or screaming at night or at a time when your supposed to be quiet.

  22. Kia Ora Ms Fleet i think this blog post is incredible and has inspired me to open my mind to new ideas about respect, i really enjoyed how you have weaved your Maori knowledge into this post.
    in my perspective respect is not only sitting up strait and listening to the speaker, but is also an act of kindness and perseverance.
    sincerely, Liam Daniel.

  23. Hi miss fleet this is alot of work that you did in 7 minutes. what respect looks like to me is using manners such as thank you, yes please,no thank you and others. another way that respect looks like to me is looking after my cheifs jersy

  24. Hi Miss Fleet. Wow you are so fast at writing, I wish I could write that fast.Respect to me is when you use good manners like thank you and please.I think respect is also when someone is talking to you look respectfully back at them.Everyone should have respect even if that don't deserve it.

  25. Hi miss fleet Respect to me looks like when you use your maness and listen to you and you can write so fast i wish i could write like you. And we should show respect to every.
