
Friday 3 April 2020

Country Study - Germany

WALT: create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

This term, Huia Whanau are reading the novel 'Refugee', by Alan Gratz. Our teacher has made the novel available to us online, so we can still read along while we are at home. She has also given us an audio version of each chapter, which I like. We have to decide whether we will read the novel ourselves, or listen to the audio version to support our reading. I have decided to read the novel, and if I get stuck or feel that I need support with pronunciation of names and places, I will listen to the audio.

Today, I read chapter one. Chapter one is about a boy named Josef who is from Germany. Our reading task for today was to complete a country study by researching key information about Germany. We then had to create a poster, video or slide to show our new learning. I chose to create a poster using google slides, as you can see.

There are so many things I learnt during my research. For example, I learnt that Germany has been through a lot as a country, and both their flag and capital cities have been changed multiple times in the past. There is so much history in Germany! I also learnt that most of these changes happened because of Germany's government at the time, and I'm sure that Germany being part of two World Wars, didn't help either.

Did you know, that in 2018, Germany had almost 83 million people living there? That's close to 20 times the size of New Zealand's population! I couldn't imagine living in a country that big! The largest country I've been to is Australia, back when I was little. I would be really interested to know if you know anything about Germany, especially if it's not on my poster! What do you know about Germany? Have you ever been overseas to another country? If so, I'd love to hear about it!

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