
Friday 3 April 2020

Pack your suitcase!

WALT: create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

Today, I read chapter four of 'Refugee', by Alan Gratz. We have been introduced to the three main characters now; each of them young children, each of them experiencing horrible circumstances, and each of them about to be refugees.

Our literacy task today was to imagine we were leaving our own country. We had to draw or create an image that showed what our suitcase would look like if we were about to become refugees. I chose to use google drawing and png images, to put together a suitcase full of important items. The things I decided to pack in my refugee suitcase are:

My phone and phone charger:
There are so many reasons that make my phone and charger my first item to pack. However, to list only a few, the top reasons are: to stay in contact with family members and friends who may also be escaping New Zealand; to transfer money online so that I can purchase necessities on my journey; to book accommodation (or flights) online so that I have somewhere to sleep at night; and to use google maps for directions so I don't get lost.

My passport:
Escaping New Zealand, and presuming I'm able to fly, I would need my passport as an internationally recognized form of ID, which is why it's my second item packed.

Being a refugee and travelling a lot would out a lot of pressure on my body. I already have a bad back, and I decided that I would need some painkillers and medicine if anything bad happened during my journey. Medicine was the next item I packed in my suitcase.

Although I have my phone and passport, I would still pack my wallet with any cash I had in it, as well as my eftpos cards, ID, anything I might need to prove who I am along the way.

Toothpaste and toothbrush:
While there are so many hygiene products I would like to pack in my suitcase, I decided to only pack the necessities to keep my suitcase light. I also figured that because I'm travelling and trying to escape New Zealand, there wouldn't be any opportunity for me to shower, so I wouldn't need shampoo and conditioner. Perhaps instead of a bottle of body wash, I could pack a bar of soap, just in case. What do you think?

A few important clothing items would definitely make it to my refugee suitcase! I was thinking that I would need some underwear, a jacket and pants for at night or when it's cold, as well as a few t-shirts and shorts. Being a refugee, I would never know when I would actually have time to change my clothes, but a few light items would be essential for when I was able to stop and freshen up.

I usually live in jandals or bare feet, but being on the run, I would need some strong, sturdy shoes to keep my feet safe. I would be running, jumping, hiding, climbing, etc. and I would need a good pair of shoes to make sure I didn't step on broken glass or injure myself on my journey.

The last thing I would pack would be a sneaky bar of chocolate. I know it's probably not the most important item in there, but being a refugee, chocolate would be a luxury I might never experience again. Of all the foods in the world, chocolate would be thing I missed the most.

What do you think of my refugee suitcase? Is there anything else you would add to your suitcase that I haven't put in mine? Is there anything in my suitcase that you wouldn't bother taking?
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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